The Prussian Lieutenant

Available Now

Montmartre - Paris

“Oh, what tangled webs we weave,
when we first practice to deceive.”
-Sir Walter Scott
This caption sets the stage for what is to come: intrigue, suspense, deceit and plots, all shrouded in mystery.
I am pleased to announce that the new version of The Prussian Lieutenant is complete and available on Amazon.

This new abridged version has a smoother flow, yet retains all the flavor of the original, speckled with romance and replete with sinister characters that threaten to hamper our hero at every turn.

“Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when we first practice to deceive.” -Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

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Karl May Author, c/o Robert Stermscheg

#2102-84 Snow St., Winnipeg, Mb. Canada